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Looking for Silent "Doing Nothing"...?


Or looking for amazing outdoor activities surrounded by most powerfull Silence and Peace you could ever imagine...?







Would you ever believe that this is the place for all that (and more!!), and without having to leave Europe to go to Canada or Alaska...? A place which is still untouched, maybe as the the Alps were 200 years ago: here you can still explore, feeling that you might be the first person to touch that peak or to paddle that creek...: or at least, one of the very few ones!


Either you will do this on your own, either you will choose us as guides (it is Ario's deep joy and passion to share these wilds!), the Lifetime Experience is ensured.

And if you add to all this the fact that every evening you will have our Lodge to welcome you back with a warm fire going in the big stove, a warm sauna awaiting your body and a warm (amazing!) dinner cooking for your appetites...: well, only after tasted all that you will understand why here at  Borealis Lodge  you will feel at Home-------------






A littleAlaska

UNESCO Outdoors!
Au tenda.jpg
Northern Lights!

From September to April experience the most stunning show the Far North has to offer: Aurora Borealis! We also have the Tower for vewing it better!


The Lodge  is located at the entrance of the vast Sarek National Park, UNESCO World Heritage Area since 1996. This choice was made by the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to its remoteness, wild outstanding beauty, abundant wildlife and the still active presence of the ancient Sami people.

We call this place our… “Little Alaska”…!



Experience the Wilderness in the Alaska of Europe!

We are a family from South Tyrol, the north east part of the Alps between Austria and Dolomiti Mountains in Italy. I have been a professional Mountain Guide and am an Explorer… We use to spend winters up here in the north of Sweden and rest of the year at home in the Alps…; we love cold and snow and hate mosquitoes… We love the sun disappearing day by day here in the autumn and then we love to see it (extremely) slowly coming back by beginning of February.

We love silence and spaces; from this comes our main desire: share it, share this northic paradise with all those who will come to visit us. You will feel home up here with the Borealis family! 


First of all, why the name “Borealis Wilderness Lodge”? Because the Northern Light (Aurora Borealis..) is the Queen up here from September to April!!

Second…: what exactly is a Mountain Lodge?

This explanation would not be necessary if we were in Alaska or in the Canadian Rockies where the tradition of Mountain Lodges is, since long time, well known among all those who seek Silence and life in the Outdoors; a reality which is much less traditional here in Europe where instead we have the alpine huts as closest to a mountain Lodge.

It is only among the Scandinavian Mountains (so similar to Alaska for climate and landscape) that we can find something looking much alike a Mountain or Wilderness Lodge: it is infact up here nestled deep into the wild woods and mountains of northern Sweden, that you can find our Borealis Wilderness Lodge…

A Lodge is therefore a Cabin, or a Chalet made of beautiful wood logs and equiped with all comforts you need, even though you are deep into the wildest most wonderfull wilderness we still have in Europe. It is a home, we can say, a luxurious home deep into the wilds of the Far North; a place were you can simply Rest and Listen.

Where you can also choose whether enjoying or not, all the outdoors activities which the surroundings offer…: hiking, canoeing, skiing, berry picking in the autumn’s breathtaking colours…, heliskiing or summer scenic flights, mountain biking and meeting the traditional people: the Sami (the people of Lappland).

Have a look at our GALLERY to get an idea…..!! 


We are up here on top of Europe waiting for you!

A great hug from the Far North

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